Thomas Mallory Evans

Album "Following....." out June 1st!


One day, to sand will the Pyramids crumble,
Said to strike fear in omnipotent Time -
All man’s attempts to construct the Eternal
Doomed but to fail, would his progeny find -

Valiantly, still, we pursue that conviction,
Forging each work to the fate of mankind -
Bound, though, to knowledge so bound for extinction,
Each “Giant Leap” remains chained to its time -

Will to dare - dare to fail - hours are priceless, our lives but a vapor -
Brief though our chance, it is of much avail -

So, all is well - our limits, our own -
Our striving is noble - we quest not alone -
Our highest reach can not grasp the sky,
But God placed us here - let us better the years
Passing by.....

“Miracles” each era’s brightest devise
Oft obsolete in the span of their lives -
Men’s greatest “marvels” are fleeting, we’ve learned -
Shine in their moment, then fade, each in turn -

But all is well - our limits, our own -
Our striving is noble - we quest not alone -
Our highest reach will not grasp the sky,
And all that we can know in this world will go
Passing by,
But God placed us here - let’s pray thanks for our years
Passing by -
Passing by.....
Passing by..... 

© Thomas Mallory Evans. All rights reserved.